Trinadè Patrick (TP)

Jul 12, 20203 min

Let’s talk, here’s an update.

Hey X’s!

It's been a while, and well I truly still hardly have words. Let’s start with, writer’s block sucks.

A few things have occurred/will occur. And well, I‘m excited because they all revolve around little ole me.


In officially twenty-six days, I’ll be adulting. Well, I’m already adulting because I’ve been 18 for currently four days now. Cancers are lovely, don’t you think? But no, seriously in twenty-six days I’ll be moving to a city and living alone with my three roommates.



Yes, the feels are there! Though, the best will come. I’m more so excited.

And I’m truly rambling, though I’ve missed you guys. How are you? A lot has happened, and we’re all stuck in the whirlpool of it all.

I’ve managed to cut my hair. See it? Like it? I’ve wanted to do such a thing for a while. And I’m excited to have just went for it.

My home has overflown with all my new pillows, covers, decoration, and many many awesome books. I’m excited for my new home, as it awaits me and all my many items. Its safe to say I’m ready! Well maybe not for the sleepless nights of essays, but perhaps everything else in between.

I have the urge to do more. Though, I currently don’t know what more is as of right now. It’ll come to me I know, but have you ever just held such an urge? An urge of being or simply doing more?

With college starting this is a new experience, and college is exactly what you make it, so I’ve heard. Everyone doesn’t have the chance to experience it. Therefore, I am grateful for this experience.

It’s a bit bittersweet to leave my family and my job. Yes, my job lol. We’ve had rough days, but I'd grown to love it.

I transfer soon, and it’s a bit saddening. I have to start over seemingly, but It’ll work out I hope. I had grown to know my coworker, and they’d grown to know me. I truly will miss them.

Somewhere in the mist of all this, I managed to go to the eye doctor. Okaaaay! Yaaay! I picked up three new cool frames, and I absolutely LOVE THEM. I’m on the journey to collecting many lovely frames. And yes, I’ll blog the experience. Aspiring to be an eye doctor has it’s pleasures, because every frame screams my name.

Visiting the eye doctor is an amazing feeling!! I love the experience, and it’s always lovely. I recommend the yearly eye exams. Use those to your advantage if you can!

But nevertheless if you’re still here, Thank you! My rant session will end soon.


I managed to squeeze a teeny tiny birthday vacation in. Me and 2/4 of my roommates visited Murfreesboro to view our apartment. And we did a few things in the mist. The apartment is lovely, it’s way more than I envisioned. Our surroundings are great, many food options, oh and Walmart! Who doesn’t enjoy Walmart? We did things such as eat, visit the escape room, and shop. Nonetheless, I enjoyed myself. Murfreesboro is a pretty cool place, the scenery is great, and it’s a place made for great picture taking.

Here’s food I enjoyed throughout the past two days. This was also my first time trying Panera. It’s sad I know. But, I never just thought to try such a thing. Though, I enjoyed it along with Just Love Coffee Cafe.

I’m making the best of this time, and hopefully you are too. But, of course by being safe; protected. Be well during this time, engage in self-care, prayer, and manifestation. Remain wholesome towards looking forward to change. This pandemic hasn’t gotten the best of us all right? I hope not. Still, find the best you in 2020. After all, our 20/20 vision can still be clear. And this is coming from a future Optometrist.

In conclusion to this lovely lifestyle blog, I encourage you to live a little. We're surviving a pandemic and I rather you live it.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to me! Right? I mean cancers are the best. Duh.

Thank you for reading, until next time!

-Trinadè Patrick
