Trinadè Patrick (TP)

Apr 26, 20204 min

The Superior Race OUR Superior Race

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

Black is bold. Black is beautiful. Black is intellectual. Black is excellent.

Why does my skin move you so much? Why are you so overly fascinated by my blackness? Is my blackness enough, or is it a bit too much? We have millennials and generation "Z" fellows expressing racism. Yes. You read me correctly. Society no longer carries historical burdens. Yet, racism has proven it will sadly always exist. Though, this isn't racism from elders stuck in their ways. But instead, from growing and becoming adults.

How does this make you feel? Well, if you ask me sickened. We were just finally entering a world where race, ethics, and culture didn't matter as much. Some may disagree and say, "Well no, those things make us and forever will." I agree only to an extent. Because I started to view this world as one, just wrapped with beautiful differences. Is that so hard to see?

In today's society, social media is trendy and mainly the infamous tiktok. The app is designed to perform skits, voiceovers, and everything else. Though recently many racial skits, voiceovers, and actions have fulfilled the app targeting African Americans and those of black descents. I am bothered. Nevertheless, I am hurting that this is becoming our new norm.

My Black is bold. My Black is beautiful. My Black is intellectual. My Black is excellent. You read the phrases and you understand them clearly, though it's only ONE word that sticks out and matters most amongst society "black."

We could rest as the most intelligent, the most noble, or graduate the first of our class. Though it hardly matters. Me and you? We're black, and that's just enough to turn a blind eye. I won't get into the kinks of our society, though I'll use my voice and stand against what I don't believe nor will tolerate.

Imagine entering a world of new profound racism. Again, minus the whips and the cotton picking. My future is approaching, soon I'll know my husband and eventually we'll share children. And, I'm fearful. I see the messy world now, where tik toks and social platforms are okay to express your racism. Well what's next? Future projects of your children being asked what race they hate and why, as a form of freedom of speech perhaps? The cycle in my opinion is indeed repeating. As African Americans we are blinded. We were given the bare minimum of freedom and we haven't looked back since. But is that okay? I say no, but why aren't you?

Why aren't you:

Dreaming like Martin?

Fighting like Malcolm?

Educating like W.E.B?

And challenging like Rosa?

What is modern day slavery to you?

Still, forget the whips, shackles, and chains. Slavery now rest within being brainwashed. Appearing as a protocol towards others, and not gaining the respect in which you deserve. Modern day slavery is running from conversations of your own culture, heritage, and race. Being as you rather not mention such conversations, because your lack of knowledge or social support is absent. Modern day slavery is a strong phrase, but I'm not using this term freely. If I've lost you, then perhaps you're living and basing this life we live wrongfully. Perhaps, your eyes are open but blurred by trends, social media, and stupidity. What's one thing about your culture you love and are willing to die for as Martin, Malcolm, Rosa, Garvey, and etc? I'll answer with dignity, respect, and promising freedom. I'm willing to fight and die just for everything my ancestors did. Just how about you?

Are you aware you aren't in your freest form? Whips, shackles, and chains are the images we must forget when looking at "Modern day slavery." This form of slavery isn't causing death, hazing, lynches, and harsh jail timing for nesting in a cafe for food. This form assassinates brainpower, makes every African American or one of black descent guilty, and lastly maintains poverty within our black communities. We lose our fathers and mothers to the Federal system, yet the roots are deeper than living colors.

Think of where our ancestors came from, all they'd fought for, and everything they've accomplished. Realizing we still have places to go is a first. Honoring your ancestors is a must. And lastly, claiming a future of evolution is profoundly for the better. I mentioned millennials and generation "Z" fellows, because those are the people of our future. The following decade will create many decades to come. Is racism something being recreated right before our eyes, but in simpler and more gentle forms? Well is it? You tell me. My answer is YES, but you're probably scratching your head unsure. And that's the problem.

When will we realize what's been given to us isn't enough? But, are you willing to fight like Martin, Malcolm, Rosa, and Garvey? Not enough of us are. You can make excuses or you can make differences, but you cannot make both. Ignoring the purpose of your voice, power, and rights makes the cause unworthy. Are you worthy enough to contribute to the cause of standing against racism and discrimination? For the sake of your history, present, and future.

I am, but not enough of you are.

-Trinade Patrick
